Friday, November 5, 2010


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product.

My magazine follows most of the codes and conventions of a music magazine. My front cover consists of most of the things that any other music magazine have. My title has followed the codes and conventions because it is the biggest text on the front cover; it is the full width of the page; it is one word and had an unique font. Also, my magazine has a positioning statement underneath the title which is 'punk up the party'. This clearly signifies that my magazine is a punk magazine. On the front of my magazine I have given the reader an idea of whats inside the magazine. There is a main medium close-up image of a pop punk fan. The main coverline also follows the code and conventions because it is the second biggest text after the title and anchors the meaning of the image. My coverlines are all bold and my colour scheme has been consistent throughout the magazine. Also, all of my coverlines intrigue the audience by not always telling the audience what is inside. The typography is consistent, only a few fonts are used and connotations of the font also reflects the target audience and subject. I used a strapline on the magazine to let the readers ave an idea of what's inside. I used a barcode and the issue date to let people know when the issue was released. Also, I used 'Plus' buzzword to attract the audience because it shows that there is plenty more inside.

My contents also follows the codes and conventions of a music contents page. I have used headlines to divide the contents up. I have used a range of pictures some big and some small and all of my photographs are very creative.I have numbered all of my pictures so that they anchor the image to the written work. My colour scheme is consistent all the way through. i have also set my work out in three columns. The title and issue date has been repeated. My contents includes regular and featured contents. My contents actually says 'contents' on it. I have arranged my work so it is the page number and then the written text and the text would only be a few words.

My double page spread follows the codes and conventions of a double page spread. I have used a big picture that relates to the article.The picture take up a whole page and the picture has bled across from page to the other. My article has a byline which says who wrote the article and this is positioned in the standfirst. This tells the reader what the article is about. My article starts with a drop capital. the drop capital shows the reader where to start reading. I have kept my colour scheme consistent throughout my magazine. My headline is positioned across both pages of the article. This links both pages as does the image. Also, I have used bold text in the first paragraph of my article. I have also set my article out in four columns. The personality of the journalist has come through in the article. I have used photography creatively.

I am going to record myself reading this the put a picture of my front cover, contents page and double page spread with my voice over them so you can refer to.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I picked these two pictures because they represent punk by giving off attitude in a funny way. these pictures are of girls because most people think of males when they hear punk. These pictures are very stereotypical because people describe punk wearing dark eye make-up, having piercings, wearing black clothes, having attitude, strange but nice hair and a different dress sense to everyone else. But these pictures have a lot of what people expect buy also are a little different. For example, bracelets, the colour pink and a heart necklace. This is what makes my magazine very unique.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that I am going to choose IPC media because this company produces successful magazines such as NME. This is an extremely popular magazine that includes a lot about music and extra exciting information. It's an unique magazine which I think that my magazine is and it manages to compete against the likes of Q magazine which Bauer produces. If IPC was to produce my magazine it would have a bigger share in the market and therefore increase the coverage of their punk genre.

4. who would be the audience for your magazine and why?

Name: Alisha Green
Age: 17
College: Birkenhead sixthform college.
Work: Macdonalds.
Favourite music: Pop Punk.
Favourite band: Hello Goodbye.
Likes: Punk gigs, Music shows, Hanging out, Piercings and being different.
Dislikes: Girly people, Pink things, Stereotypical girly things and Ugg boots.

5. How did you attract/address your audience? (How do you get them to buy it? How does the magazine speak to the audience, Language? Style?)

To attract my audience I used very bright and bold colours. The colours that I chose were based on my audience research that I did. Then I used very short coverlines which meant that there was not much that the reader had to read and it would intrigue them to read more. I used a one word title which is short and snappy. My main image attracts the audience to because the model is wearing suitable clothing and is a punk fan themselves. Also, the pose of my model attracts the audience to my magazine because it shows that she has attitude and this represents the magazine giving off attitude as well. To address my audience I used a picture of one punk girl giving a lot of attitude. Also, my model is looking directly in the readers eyes so this addresses the audience. I used a very selective use of language in my magazine because I did not want to use formal language because punk fans speak in slang most of the time so I decided to use very short and slang language.

I am going to record myself saying this with a picture of my front cover in the background.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
  • I used Photoshop to design my front cover.
  • I used QuarkXPress to design my contents and double page spread.
  • I used a Dictaphone to record some of my answers on my evaluation.
  • I used a camera to take the pictures for my front cover, contents page and double page spread.
  • I used a printer to print of my drafts of my work.
  • I used a computer to produce all of my work.
  • I used blogger to show the progress of all my work.

I am going to record myself reading the above and place it across pictures of me using all of the Desk Top Publishing.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? (Creative skills? Writing skills? Photography? Write for particular audiences? Meeting deadlines? Ideas? Computer skills? Technical skills?)

When i was producing my media coursework I learnt a lot of things that I did not know about Photoshop, QuarkXPress and When I produced my preliminary exercise I did not understand fully how to use any of these programs. But, as the time passed I got more confident and learnt how too use them a lot faster. Now that I have completed my main exercise I know how to edit, cut out, merge and plenty more things to do on Photoshop. On QuarkXPress I did not know one thing about it. I had never heard of it before so it was really new to me. Now I understand how to place pictures in, use different fonts and colour the background and the fonts. I also know how to place a drop capital at the beginning of an article. I learnt how to place images under writing or to bring the image on top of the writing. Finally I now know how to use I know how to upload pictures, audio and text onto my blog. i also know how to change the layout and the font on my blog. During the length of these tasks I did miss one deadline and that was my drafts for my music front cover. Also, I have never been very confident with my idea and usually kept them bottled up inside but my teacher has boosted my confidence by believing in me and now if I think my ideas are not that good I still express them. Also, by completing these pieces of coursework I learnt a lot about myself. I learnt things are easier to produce if we plan them first and that researching things before we produce things also helps.

I am going to record the above and place it above the pictures of my preliminary and final front cover and contents pages.

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