Friday, November 5, 2010



1.Codes and conventions of a front cover of a school magazine.

Title - One word, in the top left hand corner and it is the full length of the page. The title is always a unique font and the biggest text on the front cover.

Positioning statement (Like a slogan).


Bar code - Bottom right on the front cover because an advert is on the back of a magazine.


Puffs - Something for nothing.

Gives ideas of what is going to be inside.

Main image - Anchors the main story. Medium close-up of band or singer Direct address (Looking directly at the reader) , this conveys attitude.

Main cover line - Largest text after title.
- mostly two lines.

Other cover lines - few words as possible.
- Two or three lines.
- Information about contents.
- Intrigues the audience - not always straight forward telling you whats inside.

Typography (look of letters) - Consistent.
- Only a few fonts used.
- Connotations of font reflect target audience and subject.

Frame main image.

Left side on front cover.

Buzzwords - Exclusive.

Strip at bottom or top of cover - Lists of names and topics that appear of the magazine.

Bold covers - Only a few bold colours.

2. Codes and conventions of a contents.

Uses headings to divide up the content.

Editorial and picture of editor and signature.

One large image -Then other smaller images.

Consistent colour scheme (few colours).

Page numbers on pictures anchor image to written contents.

Laid in colours (two or three).

Subscription details.

White background.

Title is repeated.

Issue date.

It says 'contents'.

Arrangement - Page number then text (one or two words bold and slightly larger and sub line smaller text).

Regular and feature in content.

Page number, title, issue date, website - all at the bottom of the page.

Contact details.

Task One.

Title: S-cool.
Front cover picture: A picture of a student in Weatherheas sixth form being cool.
Main coveline: How to be cool in school.
Other coverlines:
  1. Brough goes beyond.
  2. 100% attendence.
  3. Weekly rewards.
  4. Top 10 products.
Task Two.
Sketches of the front cover.

Task Three.
Regular content:
  1. 100% attendence.
  2. Top 10 students.
  3. Free ......
  4. What's new in PE.
  5. Teacher of the week.
  6. Trendy teacher.
  7. Chaity work.
  8. Horoscopes.

Featued articles:

  1. Weekly rewards.
  2. Brough goes beyond.
  3. Highlights of school performance.
  4. Top 10 student products.
  5. Best way too get rid of spots.
  6. 5-a-day keeps the doctor away.
  7. Dinner card disaster.
  8. Student mags.
  9. Boys try and take over.
  10. Best bits of last year.

Images used on Content page:

  1. Someone ripping up an exam paper.
  2. The music room.
  3. Miss Brough.
  4. Product that where made by students.
  5. Iris rewards.
  6. Ten pupils with 100% attendence.

Task Four.

Sketch of content page.

Task Five.

Task Six, Seven & Eight.

Task Nine.
This is my front cover. My front cover consists of most of the things that any other magazine has. My title has followed the codes and conventions because it is the biggest text on the front page, it is the full width of the page and it is one word and has a unique font.. Also, my magazine follows having a positioning statement underneath the title which is 'Are you to school for cool?'. On the front of my magazine I have given the reader an idea of what is inside of the magazine. There is a main medium close-up image of a student from Weatherhead High School to represent the school. The main image relates to the main cover line. The cover line also follows the codes and conventions because it is the second biggest text after the title. My cover lines are all bold and my colour scheme has been consistent throughout the magazine. Also, the cover lines are as few words as possible. The information in the cover lines are to intrigue the audience however, it is not always straight forward telling you what is inside. The typography is consistent, only a few fonts are used and connotations of the font also reflect target audience and subject. On the front page there is always a frame around the main image. In addition, the masthead always starts on the left side of the front cover. On most magazines there is a buzzword but I decided not to include this on my magazine. Also, instead of using a strip on the top or the bottom of the page of the cover with lists of names and topics I decided just to use the cover lines on my front cover.

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